About us

We are Mark & ​​Joost and are friends. We live in the same  neighborhood near The Hague. We both have a family and a job, but we also have the same interests, including searching and sharing information on the internet. This is how Websitesvergelijken.com was created earlier, a site where we independently write articles about the best products and online webshops, mainly in the Netherlands. In addition, visitors can read and share experiences here by writing reviews. Our goal is to help people find reliable and good providers and to share our knowledge about different products through blogs! In this way we hope to avoid disappointment when you are looking for a product or supplier. We also have created a similar website specifically for the travel industry: Vakantiesitesvergelijken.com

Considering the fact that we got back from English-speaking friends  that there is a lot of information for Expats in the Netherlands about general matters but not about products and online suppliers in the Netherlands, we went into this further. Our conclusion is that there is little or no English-language information available for an expat who has moved to the Netherlands. Enough expat related sites focused on informative messages, news and commercial expressions related to expats in the Netherlands but no specific information and recommendations about Dutch websites and the products. That's why we started WhatAreTheBest.nl in 2021 with the aim of providing expats who live in the Netherlands or have recently moved with the best and most reliable online suppliers for various categories.

The most important topics are listed on this site with useful information. Not only about the subject, but also about the providers and even our top 5 or top 10 with best products. Hopefully we will help the expats in the Netherlands in their search for a particular product, service or provider. Everything in English but aimed at the Dutch market for foreigners in the Netherlands, or expats!

The site is still under development and to help expats even better and to optimize Whatarethebest, tips and suggestions are very welcome.